SONOMAY 2022 - 2024

In collaboration with the French Office for Biodiversity (OFB) through the Mayotte Marine Natural Park (PNMM), we implement Passive Acoustic Monitoring on Mayotte coral reefs from 2022 to 2024.
In Mayotte, as elsewhere, coral reef monitoring is based until now on snapshot visual surveys carried out in situ by biologist divers. However, these visual assessments are biased by each observer's subjectivity and degree of expertise and by water turbidity variations. Variations in the time of day, lunar phase, or season of the surveys are additional biases.
SONOMAY (Soundscapes of Mayotte) is an applied research project that aims to develop a new approach, Ecoacoustics, as a management tool for the coral reefs of the PNMM.
The project proposes the punctual acoustic monitoring (continuous recording over 24 hours) of 43 sites, usually monitored by a snapshot visual method and comparing the respective contributions of the two ways. It also proposes to continuously monitor 4 sites of interest to develop this long-term approach and initiate the response to specific management issues of the PNMM.
continuously monitored sites over 1 year
continuously monitored sites over 24 hours
SONOMAY has four objectives
Collected raw acoustic data are archived. These archives constitute a durable heritage of Mayotte reef soundscapes and can be analysed again in the future according to new developments in Ecoacoustics. The acoustic data collected are valued in scientific popularisation actions for the general public.
This ecoacoustic calibration is based on the soundscapes and videos recorded over 24 hours on the 43 sites. In the future, it will allow us to evaluate the fish assemblage structure on outer slope sites only relying on the soundscapes recorded there. Additional ecoacoustic indices are also computed to provide a holistic ecosystem assessment.
We are particularly interested in quantifying noise pollution from passing motorboats and identifying specific biological activity periods. Among these particular periods, we prioritize those that may be related to reproductive aggregations of commercial interest species such as groupers or snappers.
A committee of experts will discuss the results of this analysis as well as the results of the temporal monitoring. The aim is to establish recommendations on the most relevant ecoacoustic indices to be integrated into MPA managers' and other stakeholders' dashboards.
The mission in pictures
Others achievements
Reunion Island
Ecoacoustic reference state of coral reefs around Reunion Island in 2022.
Passive acoustic monitoring of coral reefs around Guadeloupe Island from 2023 to 2024 in collaboration with the Office de l'Eau de Guadeloupe.